1:01 PM

Day 27 - Conquering Mount Wu Dang 武当山

สวัสดีคับ(Thai - hello), PEOPLE!

Today is the day where history will be created for the 5th OIP students! Today is the day where we conquer 7000 steps of Mount Wu Dang. And on this special day 10/10/2010, many locals might say it's a beautiful day because of the double ten in the date, where most of the locals would say 十全十美!
Mission: To conquer Mount Wu Dang and make it back on time for LUNCH!

We took a one-hour bus ride up to a point in 武当山 to ready ourselves for the ultimate climb!

Manage to take a group photo before the climb!
Yup, we prayed and asked for a beautiful weather, but somehow, our prayers have not been answered. Besides the freezing temperature, there's a light drizzle and a minor haze. Which make the climbing more intensive and challenging! Take a look at the FOG!

Steps after steps... We were heading up the Mountain and we came across this uncle who was carrying very heavy goods with his stick on his shoulder, Yu chuan and i stopped and volunteered ourselves to help him with the load! Soon after, more came to help to lessen the load so that we can proceed faster! GOOD JOB, GUYS!

After about three hours, we finally reach the final flight of stairs before the summit. All can we exchange for the climb was the majestic view of the mountains! An experience that you can never exchange for money!

Just realised that as the we go higher, the steps just steeper! But armed with determination and perseverance, we managed to stand at the top of Mount Wu Dang, The Golden Submit!

Didn't managed to stay so long at the golden submit because we were drenched and the wind blowing at the submit can send massive chills all over your body. We took some photos and video before we head down to less windy grounds before heading down Mount Wu Dang again!
After an hour, we finally reunited with the rest for a sumptous lunch!
*Drooling* LOOK AT OUR LUNCH! :D

It time to head home! 6 hours later and we are home! (:

Today, we conquered Mount Wu Dang! And to me, it takes quite an effort for me to climb all the way up endless flights of stairs to reach the golden submit. And after reflecting about what happened today, surprisingly, i learnt a lot of things besides realising how tired the climb was.
There are two things that i want to address:
Firstly, I am grateful to meet some of the elderly along the way so that i can help them. I realised that helping a person seems to be very difficult in the beginning, taking the carrying of load as an example, it's very hard for me to lift his goods up because it's really very heavy and one flight of stairs can really kill me. But looking at his age, i tell myself that i'm such a strong, young lad. I should be much stronger than him. And whenever he wanted his stick back, i refused to give it back because i want to prove that if an old man can do it, there will be no problem for a young lad like me. In the end, i realised that the smile on his face seems to be the greatest 'Thank You' to me.
Secondly, i am so thankful for all my friends especially my group. They never fails to cheer me on when i was about to give up. I still remembered that i had muscle cramps on my calfs, they are the ones who took care of me! Really felt blessed!
So today, I managed to climb to the very summit of 武当山! And i'm really proud of everyone who are able to conquer Mount Wu Dang also!