6:18 PM

Day 21 - PM Test 1! (BAD BAD FEELING...)

สวัสดีคับ(thai - hello), PEOPLE!
IT'S WEEK 4 ALREADY!!! Should i rejoice or frown? LOL!
Yes, peeps, it's week 4 already! And this Overseas Immersion Trip will soon come to and end. Surprisingly, i don't miss my family members but i miss Singapore's food. Not critisizing that Wuhan's food is not good okay!
After continuous of waking up early, i slowly get use to waking up early. But today, waking up seems to a major problem for me because we will be having our PM Test today. ): And frankly speaking, I do not think i have practice enough for the test. And the worst thing of all that, i woke up quite late today, like 830am which is one and a half hours before the test.
Fear and Panic-striken, i decided to find back my guts and take the test.
Duration of the Test: 10:00am to 11:30am.
The paper is okay, the only thing that is quite mind bloggling is the gantt chart part becuase it is super tedious! Overall, i think the paper is do-able but to be honest, i do not think i have put in a lot of effort this paper. And i did not know that this test is 15%. ):

Afternoon is FREE AND EASY!!
 Do not think that after test, we are released for free and easy! Actually, we have to update of our project progess to Mr Chia. So it's going to be an a busy afternoon, we have to meet up with our respective groups to dicuss about the project. Look at the amount of work that we have to complete! ):

As usual, had dinner at the usual place, Happy Lemon Restaurant!
Overall, an enjoyable day. (not for the test part of course!)

Reflection: Day 21 is not only PM Test date, it also marks the end of the third week and the beginning of fourth week. Looking back at what we have done so far, i noticed something that it quite obvious to all of us. Laughters and jokes seems to a common platform for us. Not only that, it have created and strengthen bonds between friends and lecturers over the past 3 weeks. Taking numberous cases of sickness for example, we did shown care and concern to eachother in difficult times.
Speaking academically, we also complete most of our lectures and we are slowly progessing to the finish line. All thanks to our helpful lecturers, Mr Richard Chia and Miss Alicia Hock. (: 
I am very thankful that i am able to experience new things and earn more knowledge from what i have saw. And i never regret to come here as well.