6:18 PM

Day 20 - End of Third Week..

สวัสดีคับ(Thai - hello), PEOPLE!!
It is true that time flies when we are having fun? I believe that it is coming true for us now. ): Yes, indeed, we have coming to the end of the 3rd Week of the 5 weeks OIP. There's alot of thing that i learnt about these three weeks of this OIP, but before i start sharing about what i learnt.
Let me share with you what i did today! :D

Went to a NEW place called 红钢城. It's around 10 minutes ride away from WUST bus stop (建设一路).
First stop: 烤肉串!! :D (it's super spicy!!)
I have been trying a lot of local food here and one of my favourite is the barbecued meat. Similar to satay, just imagine the satay to be two times bigger! :D

Wuhan food is full of fascination, and one of the most bizarre food is the selling of the goose's part! It's called 周黑鸭. It's basically braised duck parts, including the neck. Actually thought of trying the neck, but something went wrong with weighing machine that is used to calculate the price for the duck parts. So we walked off because we did not want to wait for so long. (LUCKY ME! :X)

Dinner @ HAPPY KITCHEN 快乐厨房!

Ordered Two dishes - First, 肉沫粉丝锅 Second, 葱片武昌鱼. 
It is another boring day because did not really see something interesting! But it is okay, there's always lots of opportunities for me to see! :D

Reflection: Alright, back to the main topic of what i have learnt from this 3 weeks.
Firstly is independence. I believe that most of us are quite adapt to Wuhan already, and some of them might be experts already. Just like our life, being independent is crutial us because after poly life which is right now, we have to adjust well to the working life. It involves skills that includes thinking for yourself and other people. The things that you do that will affect how people look at you. Whether you are strong or weak, whether you are the person that have the capability to lead or just simply follow behind.
Secondly, it is the problems that we faced and how are we going to overcome these challenges. Having to live with your friends for 5 weeks is never easy because there's always some small minor fights like that. And withour proper settling these conflicts, it might create a large gap between eachother. Where everyone will tend to have this awkward feeling.
Thirdly, we have to grow up already, and we cannot always rely on somebody to settle problems for you.