Before i start..
Warning: This blog post will be quite a long one because it comprices three days of the 3 gorges tour. So readers that have short reading span time, do NOT worry because there will be pictures for you! :D HAHA!
My long awaited cruise trip to the 3 gorges of Wuhan have finally here! Anticipation seems to fill me when i was on the way to the boarding quay! But unfortunately, not everyone is like me. The bus journey to the boarding quay is around four hours, so everyone seized this chance to 'compensate' the amount of sleep that they have lost through the restless nights! :X 

Bridges are so common in China because it's nescessary for them to cross river like the Yangtze River, therefore i took it down.
After four hours, we have NOT reached the boarding quay because after travelling for four hours, it's time for dinner! We stopped by 三味酒楼 to have our dinner. To be honest, the food there is somewhat okay only, maybe it is because that it served a lot of vegetables and not meat. But no choice have to eat, if not later on the cruise, i do not have anything to eat. (besides tidbits :X) Here are the pictures!

After four hours, we have NOT reached the boarding quay because after travelling for four hours, it's time for dinner! We stopped by 三味酒楼 to have our dinner. To be honest, the food there is somewhat okay only, maybe it is because that it served a lot of vegetables and not meat. But no choice have to eat, if not later on the cruise, i do not have anything to eat. (besides tidbits :X) Here are the pictures!
30 minutes later, Destination: Boarding Quay
Welcome to my accomodation! (:
DAY 12 - 巫山神女溪峡谷
Awaken by the boardcasting system saying that we have reached Wushan, Goddess of Gorges 巫山神女溪. We have to alight our cruise and transfer to another smaller boat before entering the steam.
Awaken by the boardcasting system saying that we have reached Wushan, Goddess of Gorges 巫山神女溪. We have to alight our cruise and transfer to another smaller boat before entering the steam.
Scenic scenery beautiful, quiet and pleasant, introspective are words that best describe
DAY 13 - 3 Gorges Dam (長江三峽大壩)
It is down to the MAIN attraction of today's post, The 3 Gorges Dam. An hydroelectric dam that spans the Yangtze River and it's the largest electricity generating plant of all kind.
Reflection: It is undeniable to say that 3 Gorges Dam is such a majestic sight! Not only that, it's a major tourist attraction. But i still remember what my geography teacher told me when i was in my secondary school times. He said that although building a dam is very help to the power source like helping to generate more electricity through hydroelectric, there is also side effects too. Yes, indeed, i truely agreed with my teacher because alot of resources are scarcified. Deforestation, waste management and some major environmental issues are common when building this majestic dam. And i believe this can be implied to our learning. Just like scarcifising some things that you like in order to achieve something better and more beneficial to you.
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