In today's blog post, i will be highlighting the Coca Cola Factory visit! Before i start sharing about today's post, being random, i want to talk about the weather in Wuhan, China. I am extremely thankful for the weather because in Singapore, the weather is hot all year round and Singaporeans cannot experience the four seasons that other countries have. So should i say that we are extremely fortunate to come to Wuhan? HAHA!
And speaking of hot weather, thirst is unavoidable. So, if you are thristy, what will you do? Drink right? LOL! See it's all linked! HAHAH! ... *awkwardness* Alright, that's lame. -.-
Today's Highlight: Coca cola factory visit
Alright, what is the first thing that will come into your mind when Coca cola is said? The first that come into my mind is the SWEETNESS of the Coca Cola beverage itself. Frankly speaking, i am not a big fan of Coca Cola because it's very sweet and it's carbonated. And i still dont know why my younger brother likes it very much. I believe that Coca cola is kind of addictive to him? :X
The Coca Cola factory is located much further away from WISCO because i felt asleep when the bus is heading there. :X And one thing that i observed was that we are wearing the trip t-shirt and you all know that RED is the colour of Coca Cola. Some of my friends said that, ' The Coca Cola is so gonna love us so much!' HAHA! We dressed as if that we are helping to advertise Coca Cola.
We reached there early, so we seized this time to take photos! :D

Firstly is the making of the beverages
Secondly is the filling up of the bottle.
Thirdly is the transportation.

Reflections: For the straight two day, we have been waking up so early just for the trip. It really worsen my sleep deprive-ness! But it's okay because we got the chance to visit the factory that we could not in Singapore. And we did some filming over at the Coca cola Factory for our project. So it might be suffering at the first place, but it's always sweet at last! (: Just like life, if we put in hard work and strive to the best, we can get the results that we wanted. It might be tough in the beginning, as time goes by, when you get a hold of it, things gradually get in control, success will be there in the end! :D
In today's blog post, i will be highlighting the Coca Cola Factory visit! Before i start sharing about today's post, being random, i want to talk about the weather in Wuhan, China. I am extremely thankful for the weather because in Singapore, the weather is hot all year round and Singaporeans cannot experience the four seasons that other countries have. So should i say that we are extremely fortunate to come to Wuhan? HAHA!
And speaking of hot weather, thirst is unavoidable. So, if you are thristy, what will you do? Drink right? LOL! See it's all linked! HAHAH! ... *awkwardness* Alright, that's lame. -.-
Today's Highlight: Coca cola factory visit
Alright, what is the first thing that will come into your mind when Coca cola is said? The first that come into my mind is the SWEETNESS of the Coca Cola beverage itself. Frankly speaking, i am not a big fan of Coca Cola because it's very sweet and it's carbonated. And i still dont know why my younger brother likes it very much. I believe that Coca cola is kind of addictive to him? :X
The Coca Cola factory is located much further away from WISCO because i felt asleep when the bus is heading there. :X And one thing that i observed was that we are wearing the trip t-shirt and you all know that RED is the colour of Coca Cola. Some of my friends said that, ' The Coca Cola is so gonna love us so much!' HAHA! We dressed as if that we are helping to advertise Coca Cola.
We reached there early, so we seized this time to take photos! :D
After that, we are viewed a short video about Coca Cola. Everyone get a free bottle of Coca cola! :D (I just collect the bottle! I did not drink it all. :X)
After that, we headed along the exhibition walkway. The sides of the walkway are fitted with transparent glass panels and through those panel, we can see the operations of the Coca Cola factory.
After that, we head to the exhibition gallery and took photos! (:
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