Once we reached WUST, we were welcomed by the students over there. They are very friendly and they seems very anticipated to see us. They even stood by the bus once we arrived at the university. The university is very big! (Seriously, it's very big. No joke!!) Mr Chia said that it four to five times bigger than Ngee Ann Poly!
First stop to The Central Laboratory of Basic Medical Sciences Wuhan University of Science and Technology. We were guided by two student there to show us around the exhibition where all the anatomy of human body part. All the body parts are stored in clear container which contain some fluid that helps to preserve the body parts. Due to viewer discretion, i will post some of the pictures (they are art of anatomy! NO JOKE!)

Next stop, we went to one of the teaching blocks in Wust. As we are approching the classroom, we are welcome by a warm round of applause by the student! Seriously, i was shocked because i think this only happens to those rock stars or anyone who is very popular. They applaused till the last one of our students entered the room. After that, the WUST students did a short presentation about WUST. I'm super impressed that they took the effort to present it in English because from what i know, their second language is English. They did a good job because i really understand what are they talking about and there was not much of any pronounciation problems. After that, we also presented for them regarding Singapore, NP, and OIP. We did the presentation in Mandarin. In my opinion, i think that we did not present it very well because our chinese standard is not high. So there's a little bit of stumbling over here and there. But to my amaze, they were very impressed by our presentation because they thought that they do not understand chinese very well. After that, they performed some items for us and we sang one chinese song for them too. IT'S REALLY FUN!!

After that, we went to the canteen over at WUST for a short refreshment!

I just wanna apologise for not posting my blog posts on time because my internet port is down which means that i cannot get to any internet access for the passed few days. So miserable right? ):
This is Day 7 of our OIP and today we are heading to the NEW Wuhan University of Science and Technology which is located much further away from the current WUST that we are staying in. In order to get there, we need to take a one hour bus trip! (Seriously, it's super far)
This is Day 7 of our OIP and today we are heading to the NEW Wuhan University of Science and Technology which is located much further away from the current WUST that we are staying in. In order to get there, we need to take a one hour bus trip! (Seriously, it's super far)
After that, we went to the Library of the WUST. The library is the BIGGEST library in Hubei Province!! We went to one of the exhibition over there, and it's all about WUST. The founder, every shareholder..
These are the photos that i took over there. (:
The return journey from WUST to our hostel is terrible, i forgot to go to the toilet when i know i need to pee. So we board the bus and after one and a half hour later, then we alight. The first thing that i did was i ran all the way to the Main building of the university to relief myself.
This is what i did today, and i think today is quite a memorable day for me because i'm able to visit their New University and the anatomy exhibition!! (because i think the body parts are very cool!) I hope to see more stuffs tomorrow! :D So people, watch out for My Wuhan Blog! CHEERS! :D
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